Celsius & Fahrenheit - A Lesson Plan About Temperature

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The students will learn how temperature is measured.
The students will be able to read a thermometer.
The students will be able to explain the difference between Celsius and Fahrenheit.
Questions that encompasses the objective:
Think about the weather today. What is the temperature like?
Is it warm or cold?
How do we measure how hot or cold the weather is?
Prepare the Learner: Activating Prior Knowledge.
How will students prior knowledge be activated?
Warm up by asking students:
What do you know about temperature?
How do we measure the temperature?
Common Core State Standards:
Materials and Free Resources to Download for this Lesson:
Introductory Activity: “Match the Temperature”
Pictures: Celsius Thermometer & Fahrenheit Thermometer
Thermometer (realia/ real if possible)
“All About Weather” Science Journal (Student Copy & Teacher Copy)
Page 27: Reading a Thermometer
Pages 28-29: Celsius vs. Fahrenheit
Page 30: What is the Wind Chill?
Page 31: What is the Heat Index?
Activity: “How To Use a Thermometer”
Poster Board
Cards: “Weather Descriptors” [Hot; Warm; Cool; Cold; Freezing]
Crayons/Markers/Colored Pencils
Unit Resources:
What is the most important content in this lesson?
To reach this lesson’s objective, students need to understand:
How temperature is measured.
How to read a thermometer.
The difference between Celsius and Fahrenheit and where each is used (country/continent)
The effect hot air has on wind.
How will the learning of this content be facilitated?
*If possible, prior to the start of class, the teacher should place Velcro on the thermometer picture and onto the backs of the question cards.
The teacher should begin class by playing the game “Match the Temperature” On the board, the teacher should place both thermometer pictures. The teacher should explain to the students that choice cards will be read to them. As a class, the students need to determine where on the thermometer the card should be placed. The teacher should invite one student up to put the card on the thermometer. After all the cards have been read and placed on the thermometer, the teacher should begin a discussion about the activity
**Please Note: The activity focuses on both Celsius and Fahrenheit. Each card will reflect both temperatures. The measurement that is on top reflects which thermometer the card should be stuck onto**
After the game/activity discussion is done, the teacher will begin presenting the information on weather. If it is possible, project each page of the teacher’s copy of the “All About Weather” Science Journal worksheet onto the board using a projector or put into a PowerPoint document and project. The teacher’s copy of the journal has certain words/phrases that are bolded red and highlighted. It is important the teacher explain to the students those words/phrases are to be highlighted in their (students) journal. For this lesson, the teacher should review these pages:
Page 27: Reading a Thermometer
**This page reviews what a thermometer is and how it is read**
Pages 28-29: Celsius vs. Fahrenheit
**These pages review the difference between Celsius and Fahrenheit and where each is used (continent/country)**
Page 30: What is the Wind Chill?
**This page reviews the wind chill and how it is measured**
Page 31: What is the Heat Index?
**This page reviews the heat index and how it is measured**
After the information has been presented the students will break into pairs. Each pair will get a poster board, a picture of a thermometer, and weather descriptor cards. The students will color in the thermometer and the weather descriptor cards. The students will then cut out the thermometer and the weather descriptor cards. The students glue the thermometer onto the poster board and then glue the descriptor cards to the appropriate parts on the thermometer. At the top of the poster board the students will write “This is How We Measure the Temperature.” At the bottom of the poster board, the students will create a chart. The chart should be divided into five sections: Hot; Warm; Cool; Cold; Freezing. Under each word, the students should write appropriate outdoor activities/ clothing for each type of temperature. The teacher should allow the students about 15-20 minutes to work on their posters. Once all the students are done, reconvene and have the pairs present their posters.
For the closure, the teacher should revisit the lesson’s objectives and then have the students answer the question on the assessment worksheet entitled, “Thermometers”.
3-5 minutes
Guided Introduction
Review the class/ agenda with the students:
Introductory Game/Activity: “Match the Temperature”
Discussion: Science Journal (Pages 27-31)
Activity: “How to Use a Thermometer”
10 minutes
Introductory Game/Activity: “What Should the Temperature Be?”
Place the thermometer picture onto the board.
Show the students the question cards.
Read each card. Ask the class where on the thermometer the card should go.
15 Minutes
Reading a Thermometer | Celsius vs. Fahrenheit | Wind Chill | Heat Index
Instruct the students to open to page 27 in their science journals.
Project each page of the science journal onto the board either through a projector or PowerPoint presentation.
The teacher copy has bolded red and highlighted words. The students will highlight those words in their science journal.
Begin presenting the information. The pages that will be presented include: pages 27-31.
25 Minutes
Activity: “How to Use a Thermometer”
Instruct the students to break into pairs.
Give each pair will get a poster board, a picture of a thermometer, and weather descriptor cards.
Instruct the students to color in the thermometer and the weather descriptor cards. Then, the students will cut out the thermometer and the weather descriptor cards.
Glue the thermometer onto the poster board and then glue the descriptor cards to the appropriate parts on the thermometer.
At the top of the poster board instruct the students to write “This is How We Measure the Temperature.” At the bottom of the poster board, instruct the students to create a chart. The chart should be divided into five sections: Hot; Warm; Cool; Cold; Freezing. Under each word, instruct the students to write appropriate outdoor activities/ clothing for each type of temperature.
Allow the students about 15-20 minutes to work on their posters.
Once all the students are done, reconvene and have the pairs present their posters.
10 minutes
For the closure, the teacher should revisit the lesson’s objectives and then have the answer students the question on the assessment worksheet entitled, “Thermometers”.
Individualized Instruction/Scaffolding
English Language Learners will be supported in this lesson through data-based heterogeneous grouping, verbal and written repetition of new vocabulary words, and multiple representation of vocabulary words through printed images and video.